We are pleased to announce two new full-time Research Fellow posts based in the OISD Low Carbon Building Group at the School of Architecture in Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, UK). The posts are designed to help with the implementation of externally funded projects in the Low Carbon Building (LCB) Group which include EPSRC funded Whole Life Performance plus project on indoor environment and staff productivity, EU-funded ZERO PLUS project on positive energy settlements and Innovate UK funded I-LIFE project on developing an innovative insurance product that will underpin an energy performance warranty for new housing.
Details of the two full-time posts are as follows: 1. Research Fellow in Building Performance Evaluation For further information about the job description and application pack, please visit: https://my.corehr.com/pls/oburecruit/erq_jobspec_details_form.jobspec?p_id=039612 2. Research Fellow in Low Carbon Building For further information about job description and application pack, please visit: https://my.corehr.com/pls/oburecruit/erq_jobspec_details_form.jobspec?p_id=039613 Closing date for both posts is 6 September 2017 The Low Carbon Building (LCB) Group at Oxford Brookes University has a strong international reputation in the field of carbon mapping (RIBA award-winning DECoRuM model), building performance evaluation, climate change adaptation of buildings and low carbon communities. Further information about the LCB group is available here: http://architecture.brookes.ac.uk/research/lowcarbonbuilding/resources/LowCarbonBGv4.pdf http://architecture.brookes.ac.uk/research/lowcarbonbuilding/resources/lcbg-bpe-booklet-2015.pdf http://architecture.brookes.ac.uk/research/lowcarbonbuilding/
Inviare candidature entro 10 settembre
Offre d’emploi : Chargé(e) de relations publiques et européennes CDI à plein temps – poste basé à Paris Ressentant le besoin de renforcer son action de plaidoyer au niveau national et européen et s'étant donné pour objectif d'initier un travail de scénarisation à l’échelle européenne, l’Association négaWatt souhaite élargir son équipe salariée par la création d'un poste de Chargé(e) de relations publiques et européennes. Candidatures à envoyer avant le 10 septembre par email uniquement. TÉLÉCHARGEZ L'OFFRE D'EMPLOIpdf - 504 Ko |
L. PaglianoProfessor of Advanced Building Physics, Director of end-use Efficiency Research Group Categories
March 2022