Within a series of conferences for the 14th edition of the Master RIDEF (Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Energy Economics and Policy, enrolment till November 13th), in collaboration with Kyotoclub on sept 29th (15.45) Prof. Tim Jackson will talk about Prosperity without Growth Foundations for the economy of tomorrow The lecture will take place at Campus Leonardo, Aula Rogers, Via Ampère 2 - 20133 Milano For remote access via webinar please send a request to [email protected] then go to here Prof. Tim Jackson is Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey, UK, and Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP). For seven years he was Economics Commissioner on the UK Sustainable Development Commission, where his work culminated in the first edition of the book “Prosperity without Growth”, a landmark in the sustainability debate. His research work aims at detailing how the economy of tomorrow may be transformed in ways that protect employment, facilitate social investment, reduce inequality and deliver both ecological and financial stability, in the presence of clearly defined resource and environmental limits. In collaboration with P. Victor and A. Naqui he has developed a suite of macroeconomic models based on the methodology of Post-Keynesian Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) system dynamics. Taken together these models represent the first steps in constructing a new macroeconomic synthesis capable of exploring the economic and financial dimensions of an economy confronting resource or environmental constraints. Differently from other macroeconomic models which are not able to take into account the physical and biological boundaries of the planet, this model explicitly incorporates them. The issues discussed in the presentation of Prof. Jackson are analysed in depth in the book "Prosperity without Growth (2017) - Foundations for the economy of tomorrow” and its Italian edition “Prosperità senza crescita. Economia per il pianeta reale” edited by Edizioni Ambiente
L. PaglianoProfessor of Advanced Building Physics, Director of end-use Efficiency Research Group Categories
March 2022